Fully finished in a colour of your choice
Against rot and fungal attack
Bespoke designs to suit your home
Who take pride in their work
Avoiding rot can be greatly assisted through employing 3 simple measures that are used as standard on all Lakeland Window Company’s timber products. These are:
Timber Sealants
We use only engineered defect free timber with no knots and all end grain is sealed and cleaned as standard. End grain rot and decay is one of the most common causes of window failure in the UK. As standard all end grain is sealed with a special deep penetrating preservative specifically developed for use on the highly absorbent edges of sawn wood, protecting against all penetrating humidity.
Silicon Sealant
Joint sealant is used as standard on all our products providing lasting protection for small cracks and V-joints. Extremely resistant to weathering, thanks to its flexible connection to preservative treatments, primers and paints, it is colourless resistant to UV radiation and seals all areas against penetrating humidity.
Concealed nails
Why bother treating timber with preservative when the nailing of beads punctures through its protective envelope? Nails are exposed or filled but they provide an ideal conduit for water ingress and subsequent rot and decay. Using a hidden nailing system our windows ensure the elements cannot penetrate the timber in this way. No nails are left exposed or have to be filled as they are situated behind the glazing seal leaving the surface of the bead completely untouched, extending the life of the window and reducing maintenance.
Paint and stain finishes
The design of our products, approved by BM TRADA, ensures paint coverage is of a consistent thickness, eliminating sharp corners where paint coverage would ordinarily have nominal film build up and in turn would affect the longevity of the products.

The timber used on our windows is completely knot free, therefore the inherent problems associated with resin exudation are eliminated.
To achieve our fully factory finished products our windows undertake a 4-stage treatment process in the application of paint or stain improving the overall appearance of our products ensuring our high specification benchmark is adhered to, and that sheen and translucency are maintained and the overall durability of our product is improved.
The 4-stage process involves:
• Fungal preservation treatment
• Coloured sealer (Coloured basecoat)
• Coloured stain or paint (Coloured stain/paint top coat)
• A second coat of coloured stain or paint (A second coloured stain/paint top coat)

Dual colour timber window

Exterior of dual colour timber window

Interior of dual colour timber window

Exterior of a timber and glass entrance door

Interior of a timber and glass entrance door

exterior view of a triple colour set of French doors

Interior of triple colour French doors

Exterior of dual colour traditional entrance door

Interior of dual colour traditional entrance door